Our Little Elf on a Shelf
We are thrilled to begin a new adventure this year! You can see what our elf, Bernie, is up to by following us on Twitter (@medhatstorage) or liking us on Facebook (Medicine Hat Storage). Sue Sage, manager of our sister company Lacombe Storage Center, embarked on a journey with her ‘Elf on a Shelf’ last December. Here’s her story:
This past December I wanted to find a way to incorporate a fun aspect of reaching people with Lacombe Storage Center’s Facebook page. I have learned that not all social media posts from a business need to be about business. People enjoy pictures, humorous posts and community updates. in their news feeds too! Elf on the shelf was the idea I kept coming back to. To me, Elf brings to mind, the young hearted side of the holidays. Elf is smiling and always catches my eye. In order to start this, I had to get our Social Media Coordinator to back me up as she would be the one posting this for us on a daily basis.
Once I had the Elf on my desk, it was time to prepare a few pictures to start. I wanted this “Storage Elf” to have fun in the office, be a little devious, but also be a help in the work place or in the community. The main point of this month long project was to advertise the business name at the same time, having a little fun. My office is a small, but I can still think of a few things that could get this special Elf into a little trouble.
My first step was to try having something with my business logo in most of the pictures. Every office has its fair share of business cards, pens, key chains etc. My thought was to promote random acts of kindness, office style, using my pens with our business name and logo on them. I put up a few pictures of Elf in the office; he filed papers, trimmed the Christmas tree, organized my business cards and helped with other duties around the office.
Soon people were watching, now it was time to get him out doing other things. He shoveled the sidewalk, which made a great picture with a huge shovel laid out on the walk with little Elf barely hanging on. He drove the work truck, and did other little yard tasks too. One picture that had a large response, was during our cookie exchange where a snapshot was taken of him in the tins of cookies with a little frosting on his face.
My new challenge will be to create new ideas for this year and not let myself fall back on past posts in order to keep our followers interested. Elf will be back in the office doing tasks, but I will also try to get him out into the community and give businesses a hand here and there.
If you haven’t seen our little storage Elf, you can see what he’s up to this year and Follow us on Twitter (@lacombestorage), or Like us on Facebook.
-Sue Sage