Where Do Our Camping Equipment Clients Go?
Our storage yards see a lot of comings and going of our clients and we often wonder, where are they going?
The weather hasn’t been the greatest, but we all need a holiday.
We would sit at our desks and daydream about what adventure it was taking this family on. Did they know of someplace hot that wasn’t too far?We figure, lucky them to find that place.
This became a habit. Every time a client left the yard our imaginations would go into overtime.
Another adventure and another time a family gets to enjoy some time together.
After a little while our thought maybe it was time to find out where these clients were going over the summer.
The next time a client came in, we asked if they would mind telling us where they were going.
Looks like there are lots of places to go close to home and some beautiful places. Ron also found out that there are a lot of camping areas around Medicine Hat. So exciting for people.
So as more and more people came in that was a question we would ask.
The nearest go to for camping around Medicine Hat is Elkwater – Cypress Hills Provincial Park. Surprisingly the Elkwater town site is the same elevation as Banff, a true anomaly in the otherwise flat prairies. The Cypress Hills Park spans the Alberta/Saskatchewan border, and many Hatters also go to the ‘Saskatchewan side’ to camp. Both areas feature a lake with a beach, hiking trails, restaurants, fishing and boating.
Also, in close proximity is Lake Newell (by Brooks), 40 Mile Park (near Foremost), and even closer to home – Cavan Lake. And if you want to go camping without leaving the city limits (especially for those that have to stay close to their job or want to try out new equipment such as a new tent or trailer), Gas City Campground is an excellent choice.
I have to say that maybe our daydreams might have been a little different but to them it was what they loved to do.
~Laurie Copland & Ron Heizelman